twins! – katy, TX child photographer

These cute boys are apart of my first year package and I feel like i JUST took their newborn pictures! Hard to believe these sweet boys are already 6 months! They were just as happy as they were during their first session with me 🙂

Happy 1/2 birthday boys!!

reminiscing….spring, tx baby photographer

A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.

— Laurel Atherton

Love this serious, sweet little baby…who reminds me so much of my maddie when she was a baby. Thanks for letting me reminisce on my baby…OH and for the ride around our location in their fancy golf cart 😉

squishy booty!

Don’t you just LOVE squishy little dimple butts on babies?? This is my littlest and i LOVE this stage…9 months-not crawling (yet!), smiling with two little teeth and drool!! She’s such a sweet baby and I want to cherish this age forever..i feel like they are only small for a millisecond!