a day in the life – katy, TX lifestyle photographer

Ava’s job in the morning is to feed ari (our beagle pup) breakfast. During breakfast maddie requested a movie and popcorn in the media room this morning….who doesn’t love popcorn for breakfast? πŸ˜‰

While maddie continued to watch the movie and I clean their room (how do kids make such messes in less than 24 hours?), ava ventures off to play by herself, work on potty training and change her shirt ha!

We then eat lunch and get ready for nap time πŸ™‚ Then momma runs off to work on the computer for a while until they wake up (as I’m doing now).


a day in the life… – katy, TX lifestyle photographer

For those who have kiddos that they think would be too much during an outdoor session or it may be too cold or RAINY (in this case)…there are other options πŸ˜‰ This family wanted an indoor “lifestyle” family session….you know…just casual hanging around the house, playing with their toys, taking a break for a snack!

Thank you so much B family for letting me spend the afternoon with you πŸ™‚