Such a sweet family, as I’m sure anyone who knows them would describe this family!
We also did a little dancing to keep these kiddos laughing and it worked like a charm!
Daddy is the best dancer! haha!
Such a sweet family, as I’m sure anyone who knows them would describe this family!
We also did a little dancing to keep these kiddos laughing and it worked like a charm!
Daddy is the best dancer! haha!
I swear..these 1 year packages just FLY by! I feel like I was just at their house doing their newborns for savannah! It’s hard to believe she’s already and I’m sure her parents feel the same way!
Happy Birthday Sweet Savannah!
Never a dull moment with these two! They did handstands, collected giant snails (no joke, these things were huge!), ran up and down a hill, maybe drove their momma just a little crazy but look at these sweet pictures! Looks like they had fun!
And stormy…brax told me not to take a picture of his teeth, but i snuck one in for your memories 😉
The happiest and silliest little one year old session!! Love her sweet smile and her loving parents!
If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred minus one day
so I never have to live without you.
(A.A. Milne – Winnie The Pooh)