j&s – katy, tx engagement photographer

What a nice couple! When Jen offered up her dads land for the pictures, I quickly agreed…considering its not everyday you have “access” to land and don’t have to jump barbed wire fences out here in katy….ha! It was BEAUTIFUL! The trees were turning and it was so quiet with no traffic…the lighting was perfect…I could go on and on!

Congrats you two! Hope the wedding is fabulous! 🙂

guess who showed up in our house last night?

For those of you who don’t know about elf on a shelf…this will be our first year starting this tradition in our house and its a BIG hit. My oldest is non stop talking about him..she knows he goes to santa to tell him if she’s been good or bad and what she wants for Christmas. I am looking forward to the many more years he makes his appearance in the green house!

This morning he ended up in the christmas tree!

h family – katy, TX family photographer

all i can say is this girl is HILARIOUS! She is going to give her parents T.R.O.U.B.L.E as a teen with the eye rolling I already see 🙂 haha! A girl after my own heart <3
p.s..don’t you LOVE her “vintage-y” xmas skirt?? I’m in love!