blueberry pickin good!

My mom was in town for the past week and we did many things…including spending lots of time at home with two sick kiddos (who happily passed their cold onto me, ha!). One of the things we did was taking my oldest to pick blueberries. This was her first time ever doing this and it has been a LONNNNG time since I have gone out there. She loved it but quickly faded after the excitment wore off and she became tired (since we ok her up at 530am to get there). 7lbs of berries and 7 jars of home made jam (made by yours truly) later, I consider it a successful trip! We will prob be doing this again next year and including my baby in on it.

ps. they even let your kiddos eat off the trees while they pick (yup, no pesticides or sprays on the trees).

One Reply to “blueberry pickin good!”

  1. Absolutely precious!! I can’t wait until my sweet girl is old enough to go berry pickin! 🙂

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